Wednesday 23 May 2012

Falling in Laziness

A big mistake to be lazy, it may be occurs due to a physical cause but, you can not deny that sometimes you become lazy even after waking up, this is the laziness that I hate when I want to take a rest after rest :D
Let`s talk in this topic for a moment, perhaps we can get something can be left to the coming generations :)(H).
If we consider our lazy minds as engines, we may think that lubrication is the ordinary rest we do, but try to consider your mind as an energy ;) I hate the denomination that always use the expression "our bodies need rest rest as machines need too", telling these races that differ than my human one, that our bodies are like energy that needs to change from one form to another after a period of time, if you are a teacher try be a student, if you are a student teach the younger students something you know, if you are a cooker eat the others food, finally I like to be like a sidewalk cat not a home accommodated cat,, TRY & SHARE.


  1. Awsome theory. Yet, ill give it shot, i was lazy enough so i couldnt comment, cheers,

  2. I like lazy people because they give me something to write about :D:D:D

  3. AH man O_o !! Now iam a writing material a thing the other people. Van write. About, in another words : iam possessing an inspiration for some one Hmm. I can live with that :-D :-D
