Wednesday 23 May 2012


Hind Mohy Eldin
You are one of the universe marvels, you have the power of mind and the beauty of talent, it dose not need to be a scientist or philosopher to show the world that you exist, you do need to think & feel of your own
taste to show that.
As an ambitious writer, I touch my existence through the people`s feedback actually, I do not await their written feedback, I am fully waiting for their glimpses that they give to my papers while reading, their attitudes after travelling with my emotions, show me my existence,  do you exist?? 


  1. Short but deep, brief but although full of inspiration, dont worry we both exist more than anyone else ;)

  2. apply your comment on your comment,,short but deep & inspirational too like your amazing tweets ;)

  3. nice words came from a tender lady. I'm not a philosopher or scientist, but I'm just me I exist and you are but not as ordinary one in this universe that's how I just feel....!

  4. thnx for ur comments, I do appreciate them all :)
