Dawud is the Arabic name of David, it is the name of prophet Dawud who was sent to the nation of Israel, his carols “Psalms” are famous for the Christian and his story of life is mentioned in the holly Quran as the only prophet has a kingdom.
Dawud..The Prophet..The Warrior...The King.
The tell of them, & the story of us.
Cairo, Egypt |
Dawud “we need to feel the presence”
His concept is to live to tell, tell about life & more about love, he found romance in the narrow old roads of Cairo.. the city of history & glory, this old man of his 70 years old, always watches people from his wide balkon, observes their destinations, attitudes, joy, depression and he is mad about their hope.
He has an advice covered by a great silence but it has a high voice inside him, it appears in his shiny blue eyes waiting for someone to read the secret.
Amr: “Some people need mind laundry”
He was the first one to come to the breakfast at Dawud`s apartment, it was not strange because he was not in fast to break it on Dawud`s table, yeah, it was Ramadan: the Muslim fasting month, but he did not care about any Islamic rules or traditions.
When he woke up, before anything, he said good afternoon to the life in his way, he smoked a cigarette, a minute of meditated the universe in his room`s surface by wondering looks that were like questions of no answers or infinite numbers of questions marks, then he wore a shirt because public finds it is better to meet up with clothes, and went downstairs to Dawud, murmuring a stream of dams and shits, nothing happened to him to begin his day with shits, but it was his daily song for life.
Dawud, the stumpy old man welcomed Amr and brought him water, Amr did not amazed of this action as he knew that Dawud is a conservative devoted Muslim, but he also knew that Dawud has a hope of him, “a hope to come back” as Dawud is used to saying to Amr.
The second cigarette smoked by Amr while seeing Dawud preparing the breakfast in the kitchen, but this cigarette was a cigarette of passion not dams like its last sister, and he meditated this time the man of Dawud, this kind rich man, the only house owner of the universe that could hire flats without rents ! 6 months Amr did not pay the rent & Dawud asked him only one question “Do you need some money?”
“How beautiful you are!” Amr said to himself describing Dawud, Amr was watching Dawud by his eyes while he was recalling some memories beneath the clouds of his smoke, he saw an old television in his family`s house, and a man came to destroy the TV because he heart a governmental announcing warning the public from the Islamists, he saw that man went out from the mosque then spent his night at the prostitute room, he saw a wife spent ten years in her house without seeing the road, he saw a sister married a man older than her by 60 years old and finally he saw himself out of this home and out of this suburb after his father said about him “he must be killed, my son is Marxist !”
Sara “nothing ever comes for free”
She carried everything with her when she went to attend Dawud`s breakfast, her daughter, the cake she made, the flowers she grew, and her self that was a made of pain, but she made Dawud`s day once he saw her white shining face under the black Hijab, she gave uncomfortable look to Amr specially his dirty look & messy hair style and continued her way to the kitchen to help Dawud.
“A cake made of love” said by Dawud when saw Sara`s home-made cake, suddenly Sara`s little daughter asked Dawud “what dose love mean?”, as a strange to her cute nature, Sara shouted “Shut up, do not say that again!” among the girl`s scary looking & Dawud`s silent questions, the situation could pass away but Amr`s comment made a hot single tear slipping` on Sara`s face, “If people advise and do not blame the innocents, this tough earth will be better.”
For sure Amr was rude enough and to spare, to face Sara with her fact, Dawud had the same understanding for Sara`s situation but his kind soul stopped him to give that comment to the single mother lives with her daughter without husband or family or anyone! She plays all the rules: mother, breadwinner & friends for her daughter, as no one on earth worth to be given her trust after she lost it with the guy who went with her scarified virginity, leaving her in a sour society punches the weak prey.
Sara replied Amr after long selince” and we do not need the judgment, if everyone be the judge for himself, and watches his random self first, this earth will be perfect!”
Sara had aborted her baby that would come to the life without marriage, and after regret she decided to adopt this girl, she called her “Rahma” means “mercy”.
“Time is the value, hope is the road and love is the aim”
Let us lestin to the song of life |
After breakfast, Rahma slept in her set on the sofa, while the others were drinking tea, Dawud started the conversation pointing to his son`s picture on the wall:
“It is the life turn & return at same time, my son went to work, to travel, to taste the experience of different attitudes & cultures and to make wealth!”
“Wealth? You have above of his needs!” Amr asked.
“As I said it is the life turn & return, more than 40 years, I was the only son for a great father, I left him to make wealth and when I made everything I went to find him but he passed away! The days turned and my son said the same words to me but with different expressions that he wants to make himself by himself independent on my wealth.”
“So, how did it return?” Sara asked.
“My father`s tears did not stopped me as my tears did not stopped my son, the worst way of punishment I have now, I am waiting my son without hope because I am positive that he will come very late as I came to my father, but waiting is not the punishment for me but the core of punish is that I know my son will be waiting his kid one day, he will want to hug a piece of him and he will find a wealth to hug with pain, it is my pain.” Dawud said
“Family, son, nothing..nothing, I lost my faith in human kind, I am Marxist and it is enough , long live ideas.” Amr said.
“Do not waste your time in hate & regret, see something beautiful more than your ugly cigarette, continue your engineering degree and let the past behind, you will find peace of mind”. Dawud Said.
“My cigarette is my girlfriend, she understands me, she burns for me, and she is the only one who would die for my pain.” Amr said while smoking.
“It plays on you, if you counted the money that u spent for it during the last ten years, you will find that it can make a capital for a good investment, it dies for its manufacture wealth and bank account not for you, time is the value and love is the aim.” Dawud said.
“How many crimes were done in the name of love?” Sara wondered.
“It is all about us, we can discriminate the real from the false, it is life not the perfect land so, it carries pain and also, it gives us unlimited chances, if you lost one, think for the others.” Dauwd replied, then he looked at Sara`s face, and continued “marry my son!”
Amr asked: “how come?”
“You are my son, you are my second chance, if my first chance had gone, the second is waiting for you and me.” Dawud said.
Mutual looks between Amr & Sara, then she said: “I can not, he looks like the criminal who killed me in the name of love.”
Then Amr replied: “I can not, she looks like my mother of her black Hijab, I hate Islamists, if you want to serve her & her kid, you can marry her, my sister married one of my father`s friends who was older than her by 60 years old, and if u ask this man why did you marry this young girl? he will reply that it is to server an Egyptian young girl who suffers from the spinsterhood , crazy life, is not it?”
Sara got angry with Amr`s words, she felt like a bad product or a heavy load on his shoulders, “He is Marxist, he has no religion and for a religious woman like me, I can not marry such a dirty man like him.”
“It is the core, religion is a rule not a tool, you did not have an opposition against Amr`s personality or belief until his words did not find your acceptation, you felt angry so you used religion to play for your revenge from him.” Dawud commented.
Amr: “I am Marxist which is political point of view, I am not religious but I am not none religious, I believe in god, I believe in Islam, but what I had seen from the extremists actions repelled me from the clear nature of Islam, but I am on my way back, my father Dawud.”
Dawud: “we have many differences, our past is not the same, but we can build a future together, god created us with different colors, we came to earth to be not the same, but we come to earth to share life.”
Togther is better ! 28th of Jan,2011 "The Egyptian Revolution" |