Sometimes you find yourself lazy, may be aggressive however you will wait for your lover face, the story is the change for no reason , no occasion , nothing happened to change your mod, starting to believe that the planets movement around the earth, reflects energy on us, may be a good reason to follow.
The planet of communication and exchange, when it visits you, it gives you different intelligent way of expressing your ideas and enhancement of your communication skills, also, it helps in the upgrading of the intellectual skills of learning and writing. you will feel happy if you are in an open community of learning and studying, and mercury is affecting you.
The love and ability to express it, also the physical attraction, all are faces and reflections of Venus, being soft, romantic and well behaved with your partner , represent Venus, also the decoration touches in homes & offices.
Fighting, competitions, and boldness spirit, are the main faces of Mars, it is visit will teach you how to struggle for your goal and how to be a worrier, it is the not easy Mars.
Willingness is required.
Good luck! valuable opportunities, blossoming attitude and confidence, will be its gift when it knocks your door, you will take over that you deserve but you must catch the ball when it comes in your corner.
The teacher ! it comes to you to give a lesson in wisdom, a lesson in hard working, a lesson of adapting with pressurized situations, so toughness will be your requirement, however it gives you experience and good thinking abilities, and unforgettable lessons !
Eccentric situations will be near, new , modern, will be you and your life style, unforeseeable changes will be waiting you, also, some lack of human warmth, your individuality will increase as your independent personality too.
Your philosophy will increase, the tendency of learn specially the meta-physics will grow inside you, reading and writing will be in an official enhancement, nervous breakdowns will be near as you dream a lot more than you realize, in this visit you may need alcohols to escape the universe and stay in your dream.
High energy levels, crises and upheavals impossible to escape, you have to get ready for answering your self questions in that situation.
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