Wednesday, 14 March 2012

فى الحلم حرية

ما اعجب الانسان يتقلب قلبه بين الحب و الكره ..التذكر و النسيان..السعادة و الحزن...و مازال الحلم بلا قيود..سبحان الله..فى الحلم حرية‎

Friday, 9 March 2012


Dose the future make us or we make it? this question brought many sleepless nights to me thinking about a meaningful answer. If the future makes us so, what about our dreams? our choices? our destinations? and if we make the future, we will not have any problem in life and satisfaction will be everywhere.
Looking at the world I live in, I did not find any case of these two cases, finally, I create a third statement to get a result: Our features make our future.

Susan Boyle, A woman of her future 
The conditions around us and the accidents take place will be mixed with our features to make the future.
Talents and abilities make the future., think about it and you will see !

Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Counter Part (1)

It was 10 o`clock at night, she came to him at his home; she wore one of her stunning expensive dresses and enhanced her natural alarming beauty with a thick mascara.
He opened the door and his eyes full with her glamour, “you look like a movie star!” he said, “No I am a wild cat” she replied with a charming smile.
She entered the house with him with looks went around here and there, he asked her if she loved his house but she said “I am sick of all of my palaces”
“You are a queen; I do not have any doubt of that but what do u mean by your palaces?”
With a cold look “I am bohemian, I am not your queen and I hate slaves “
“So, what is for your palaces” he asked.
“As long as you do not understand, your house will not be one of them”
His favorite choice was to be silent till he could discover this lady not only physically as he liked but it became intellectually too.

Be Winner!

Hamza Namera of his song "Ensan" which means HUMAN

I know that you are busy, I know that you have a lot of work, I know that you do not have much time to read the illusions that I write J and I know that you do not want to hear my speechJ, But I know also that you do not have a mode to work an overtime night work so, I advise you to stop  work tonight and listen to any voice inside you, you may lose money because you did not work this night, but you will win something about yourself that you may live and die without knowing it.
I chose to be human, what about u?

Just a Tweet

Twitter, I love You (K)(K)

It is really a tricky matter for me to distinguish between what I want and what I need, it is ok to do what I want and what I need at the same time and it is better to know that I need and I want this thing but, I am afraid of doing something I want but actually I do not need!
Fix You

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

الذين اذنوا فى مالطة

كما اعرفها انها قصة مجموعة عمال البناء ارسلهم محمد على باشا من مصر الى مالطة للقيام ببعض اعمال البناء هناك, و اذ هم يعملون حانت الشمس الى المغيب فتذكر احدهم صلاة العصر و سأل باقى الرفاق عن آذان سمعوه فأجابوا لا, و لعدم علمهم ان اهل مالطة ليسوا بمسلمين تطوع احدهم خيرا و اذن بين الناس بالصلاة, و بالطبع "ادن فى مالطة" بالمعنى العامى المصرى الساخر و لم تجتمع جماعة لتلك الصلاة.
لست على يقين من صحة الرواية السابقة و لكنى على يقين من انى رأيت من اذن فى مالطة فى كثير من الاحيان من قبل ان تقوم فى اهل مصر ثورة و بعد ان قامت فيهم انتفاضة, و لكن من رأيته يؤذن حاولوا منعه من الآذان فى الناس ولكنه اكتفى بالصلاة امام الجميع حتى صلى عليه الجميع و اصبح هو عليهم شهيدا.
و ان اذنت فى مالطة ربما لن يصلى معك احد و لكن يكفيك فخرا انك اسقطت الفريضة و اقمت الصلاة.
تمردوا يرحمكم الله !